How do I check if my fire extuinguishers are still ready for use?
Modified on: Thu, 3 Dec, 2020 at 8:48 AM
Follow the steps below to check if your fire extinguisher is still ready for use in case of a fire.
You should do these checks at least twice a year. This step-by-step guide is meant for fire extinguishers used in domestic situations.
Step 1
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Step 2
Even if your pressure gauge is in the green area, please perform the steps below.
Gently place your fire extuinguisher upside down and leave it like this for approx. 30 seconds.
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Step 3
Turn it around again, and leave it standing upright for several minutes. After some time has passed, please check if the pressure gauge is still in the green zone.
If so, your fire extinguisher is ready for use in case of a fire.
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Step 5
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